Updated New England & National Rankings Announced

Over the course of the last week we’ve rolled out updated rankings for the incoming senior class one state at a time.
Now, it is time to put those together in one consolidated New England list. The current rankings include 60 prospects but do not yet include incoming prep products who did not play within our state’s borders last year.
These rankings also come after spending the entire month on the road, but remember, rankings are based first and foremost on projecting future levels, not rating the quality of the performances we’ve seen to date.
There are currently seven local New England products that are included in the new ESPN 100, which was released on Wednesday. Vermont Academy forward Simisola Shittu is relatively unchallenged for the top spot in the region and currently the 6th best prospect in the country. Cole Swider is 35th in the country and 2nd in New England. Cormac Ryan is 43rd in the country and 3rd in New England. Nate Laszewski is 51st in the country and 4th in New England. A.J. Reeves is 53rd in the country and 5th in New England. David Duke is 54th in the country and 6th in New England. Marcus Zegarowski is 96th in the country and 7th in New England.
The rest of New England’s top 10 includes Dimon Carrigan, Anthony Nelson, and Chris Doherty with the likes of Dana Tate, Lukas Kisunas, Nate Roberts, Ethan Wright, and Chuck Hannah knocking on the doorstep.
Click here for complete New England rankings in the class of 2018
Click here for the national ESPN 100 rankings