Previewing New England’s 2020 Class

The search for talent is officially underway in New England’s class of 2020.
Yes, they are only incoming high school freshmen and that means there is LOTS still left to be decided, but sometimes talent, or perhaps more accurately described as potential, is recognizable even at this young stage.
Consider New England’s current rising seniors. Yes, there were some late bloomers like Wabissa Bede, Geo Baker and Kellan Grady but some of the class’ very best – Tremont Waters, Makai Ashton-Langford, Jermaine Samuels, Kimani Lawrence and Hasahn French – were standouts even at a very early age.
Already New England’s 2020 class has had its fair share of prospects who have made an early name for themselves – guys like Matt Cross, Shemar Dennis, Bol Akot, Trey Hall and Malachi Hazelton among others while repeat freshmen like Judson Martindale, Quest Harris and Jay Dieterle all proved their abilities and potential in their first season in the high school ranks.
In less than two weeks we’ll have plenty more names to add to this list as the Elite 75 Showcase – Frosh/Soph Edition will reveal many more of the top 2020 prospects the region has to offer and inevitably add numerous more names to the NERR College Prospect Database.
What are we looking for? A combination of physical potential, basketball intellect, and a fundamental skill set to build off of and then signs of the humility and work-ethic necessary to develop those tools to the fullest.
Who will stand out and be added to the database? Who will have a chance to be included in the inaugural New England 2020 rankings?
Those questions and more will be answered on “Saturday Night at the Elite 75.”