Who Should Attend the Junior #E75 & #75 Academic Experience?
We're now just three weeks away from both the Junior Elite 75 Showcase as well as the Elite 75 Academic Experience, which both offer unparalleled exposure and education, but to very different age groups.
The Elite 75 Academic Experience, which will take place in the first half of the day, is designed for high school students who strive to play college basketball at a high academic college or university. The event is one of the final opportunities for unsigned seniors to impress college coaches and ideal for juniors heading into their final season of grassroots basketball, but can also be very valuable for underclassmen.
In a day and age where exposure is often over-promised and under-delivered with showcase style events, the Elite 75 series continues to differentiate itself. In fact, we can guarantee exposure by putting together an event staff that consists exclusively of current coaches from high academic college and universities. In fact, schools like Williams, Bates, Hamilton, Bowdoin, Conn College, Colby, Trinity, Middlebury, WPI, St. Lawrence, and Union are already committed to being on staff. Additionally, educational sessions will include admission standards, financial aid, standardized test prep, and much more.
Click here for more info on the Elite 75 Academic Experience.
The Junior Elite 75 is for young players currently in grades 5 through 8. The return of HoopRootz, the preeminent brand in the history of New England middle school basketball, will provide unmatched early exposure and coverage for these young players as we begin to take stock of the up and coming talent in the region with photos, videos, profiles, article, and much more. There will also be a secondary school fair to provide information on educational options as well as numerous prep school coaches in attendance and on staff to evaluate the young talent.
More importantly though is the opportunity to educate young player and families on what is in store for them in the coming years. In addition to the secondary school fair we'll have seminars on the various choices families face in the upcoming years - from choosing a school to an AAU program to making sure you're on the right path with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Click here for more info on the Junior Elite 75 Showcase.