This Week’s Notable Performances

The New England Recruiting Report tweets out top performances from across all six states througout the course of the week, before publishing the collective list at the end of every week.
Nominations can be made simply by tweeting at us (@NERRhoops).
Here's a look back at this week's most notable performances.
Notable Performance - @NewingtonBall (CT) Jared Simmons had 32pts & 10asts on Saturday night over East Hartford
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 5, 2016
Notable Performance - Shyheim Ulrickson had 29pts, 8asts & 5rebs in a Mt. Ararat (ME) win over Morse.
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - Nashua South (NH) junior D.J. Frechette @djf1212 had 39pts vs. Bedford last night
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - St. Paul Catholic (CT) soph Mike Palmieri had 20pts & 5asts in his second game of the season
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - Zach MacKinnon tied a school record at Kennebunk (ME) for most 3pt in a career after making 5 last night.
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - Rich Kelly had 22pts & went 8-8 from the FT line in the final 92 seconds to lead Fairfield Prep (CT) over Hillhouse
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - Zack Bladd @ZackBladd had 28pts & 5 threes in an OT win for Winchester (MA) over Lexington
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 6, 2016
Notable Performance - @HydeHoops (CT) senior Eamonn Joyce had 37pts & 8rebs yesterday
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - Julian Nyland had 31pts & 4 threes for Melrose (MA) on Tuesday night
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - South Boston (MA) soph Yanniel Balbuena @Yannielb4 had 26pts, 6rebs & 4asts in a 57-47 win over Boston English
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - @TiltonBVHoops (NH) Marcus Zegarowski @MZegarowski1 with 22pts & 4asts in a win over Redemption Christian
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - Omari Spellman @Omarispellman had 27pts & 14rebs in a win for @STM_Chancellors (CT) yesterday
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - Jason Bird @jasonbird8 scored 29pts for @TaborHoops in a narrow loss to AA St. Andrew's
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - @LaSalleRIBBall (RI) knocked off Bishop Hendricken in 2OT. Mike McCourt @Mike45_ had 44pts!
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - Dexter (MA) frosh Charles Coleman had 23pts, 9rebs & 4blks yesterday
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 7, 2016
Notable Performance - Ben Shungu dropped 35pts in a win for @Rice_Basketball (VT) over rival Burlington.
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - Ethan Belanger scored 46pts, including 30 in the 2nd half, in an upset win for Sanford (ME) over Oxford Hills 79-64
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - Nick Casiano had 29p/8r/4b/3a in Rocky Hill (CT) win over Bristol Central. Jamil Hornesby led BC with 26p/5r/4a/3s
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - @SLSHoopsCT junior Andrew Varoli had 24pts on 8-9 shooting from the 3pt in a 92-44 win over Rye Country Day
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - Chris Herren scored 27pts including 4 threes in a Portsmouth (RI) win over Rogers 53-46
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - Andrew Fleming scored 30pts last night to become the all-time leading scorer at Oxford (ME)
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016
Notable Performance - Nashua South (NH) junior @Kevin_Genao had 28pts, 8ast, & 4 threes vs. Bedford in a win Tuesday night
— NERR (@NERRHoops) January 8, 2016