Hoop Mountain SW I - Saturday Recap

Saturday at Hoop Mountain Super Week I featured the start of the playoffs, as well as the Annual All-Star Game. Sunday thing wrapped up for session one with the conclusion of the playoffs. Despite the holiday weekend, there were a number of college coaches who made the trip to Stonehill to check out the talent.
A few themes for Super Week I:
Welcome to New England – There were a number of campers from outside of New England who made a strong showings throughout the session. Oregon’s Khyan Raynor, Minnesota’s Thomas Ford, Australia’s Teny Puot, New York’s Erik Sanders, and California’s Ben Freeland all left coaches with positive first impressions.
Willing to go the extra mile – On top of all the station work and games over the course of the session, a number of campers put in extra work whenever possible. All but one of Coach Tommy V’s workouts this week had 50 or more in attendance. Anthony Barry – Brooks School; Duncan Stewart – Governor’s Academy; and Mike Brusca – Cheshire Academy all stood out with the effort and coachability in these demanding workouts.
July is finally here – The anticipation for the most exciting month of the summer is over! The campers, staff, and college coaches all seemed eager to get the session going and this carried on strong to the final whistle of the weekend. There is no doubt Super Week II will be filled with just as much energy and excitement as the first “live” period begins.
As we put the final wrap on Super Week I, here are some campers who stood out on Saturday and Sunday:
Kyle Reardon – Rivers School – Showed good athleticism and grit throughout the camp. Reardon was relentless on the glass and also displayed a good shooting tough from long range during the session. He got loose a few times for a couple highlight reel finishes above the rim in transition and in traffic.
Zeev Gray-Mandell – Brookline HS – Zeev is another high-level athlete who stood out this session. Though his basketball skills still need some fine-tuning, he plays the game well above the rim. When given a step, watch out! There were a number of unsuspecting defenders who were victims of Zeev’s ferocious dunks.
Erik Sanders - Suffield Academy – Sanders stood all weekend long. He is a strong pound for pound athlete, who seems to be able to do whatever it takes to help his team win. He got inside and rebounded, pushed the fast break, scored with contact in traffic, knocked down open shots, and defended hard for 94 feet.
Khyan Raynor – Jesuit HS (OR) – Raynor played a silky smooth game throughout the weekend. He showed the ability to run a team and make players around him better. He shot the ball consistently well from long and mid-range. Though his frame is thin, he is able to play through contact and make the right play, what seemed to be every time.
NBA East All-Stars:
Trachone Preston – Enfield HS (CT); Anthony Barry – Brooks School; Sam Willson – Taft School; Pat Burns – Lexington HS (MA); Shawn McCoy –Central Catholic (MA); Matt Droney – Catholic Memorial; Joe Krong – Christian Brothers; Carlin Heymon – Rivers School; Matt Mobley – St. Peter-Marian HS (MA) ; Erik Sanders - Suffield Academy; Colin Ritchy – Whitinsville Christian; Kyle Reardon – Rivers School; Mike Boornazian – Wilbraham Monson; Mike Mallory – Holy Cross HS (CT); Jake Martin; Andrew Murphy – Bishop Feehan HS (MA); Thomas Ford – South HS (MN); Myles Pennimann – Diamond Middle School (MA); Kyhan Raynor – Jesuit (OR); Brendan Fowler – Bishop Feehan HS (MA); Joey Flannery – Acton-Boxborough HS (MA); Matt Sherlock – Melrose HS (MA); Chris Mendes – Tabor Academy; Trevon Moore
NBA East Award Winners:
Mr. Rebounder – Kyle Reardon – Rivers School
Mr. Defense – Johnny Spears – Pingree School
Mr. Playmaker – Mike Mallory – Holy Cross HS
Mr. Stations – Teny Puot – Australia
Extra Help Stations Award – Anthony Barry – Brooks School
Mr. Hustle – Andrew Hurd – Windsor HS
Mr. Sportsmanship – Myles Penniman – Diamond Middle School
MOP – Mike Mallory – Holy Cross HS
NBA West All-Stars:
Jimmy Campbell – Hamilton Wenham; Niv Konfino - WBAIS; Nikos Lara – Hamilton Wenham; Max Butterbrodt – St. John; Cameron Jones – Brewster Academy; Nick Jacobs – Needham HS (MA); Reese Fulmer – Pingree School; Colin O’Brien – Haddam Killingsworth; Harry Demosthere; Barak Swarttz – Newton South HS; Jack Paccione – John Jay HS; Quinn Newton – Thorton Academy; Patrick Kehoe – Cheshire Academy; CJ Lights – City Academy; Ben Diamond – Eleanor Roosevelt; Mike Nisbet – Tolland HS , Hilal Dahleh – Belmont HS; AJ Simpson – Beaver Country Day School
NBA West Award Winners:
Mr. Stations – Ryan Neil – Westborough HS (MA)
Mr. Defense – Rocco Laugelle – Cohassett HS (MA)
Best Playmaker – Cole Cummngs – Mansfield HS (MA)
Best Passer – Melvin Moreno – Turners Falls HS (MA)
Most Improved – Zack Radz – Troy HS (NY); Niv Konfino - WBAIS
Mr. Hustle – Colin O’Brien – Haddam Killingsworth
MOP – Nick Jacobs – Needham HS (MA)