Signing Day Arrives

Wednesday marks the beginning of the Early Signing Period and as such is known as National Signing Day.
The Early Signing Period is an 8-day period in which prospects are allowed to sign National Letter of Intent, which is the legal document in which they formally accept an athletic scholarship offer from an NCAA institution.
The period runs through November 21st, and so there may be other players to commit in that time, but here's a look at who is expected to sign this week:
Christian Adams, Hamden Hall - Pace
Mika Adams-Woods, New Hampton - Nebraska
Eric Beckett, Tilton - Vermont
James Bouknight, MacDuffie - Connecticut
Byron Breland, Hamden Hall - NJIT
Joel Brown, Brewster Academy - California
Boo Buie, Gould Academy - Northwestern
Tyler Burton, Marianapolis Prep - Richmond
Mykel Derring, Proctor Academy - Merrimack
Mitch Doherty, Worcester Academy - Albany
Tyson Etienne, Putnam Science Academy - Wichita State
Noah Fernandes, Woodstock Academy - Wichita State
Matthew Fleming, Bangor HS - Army
Moses Flowers, Thayer - Hartford
Alonzo Gaffney, Brewster Academy - Ohio State
Mikal Gjerde, Woodstock Academy - San Diego
Brycen Goodine, St. Andrew's - Syracuse
Kai Jones, Brewster Academy - Texas
Jalen Lecque, Brewster Academy - N.C. State
Darion Jordan-Thomas, Woodstock Academy - Wagner
Wildens Leveque, Gould Academy - South Carolina
Marial Mading, Springfield Commonwealth - Rhode Island
Ismael Massoud, MacDuffie - Wake Forest
Johnny McCoy, Tilton - Delaware
Ody Oguama, Woodstock Academy - Wake Forest
Joe Pridgen, Governors Academy - Holy Cross
Veljko Radakovic, Lee Academy - Maine
Connor Raines, Notre Dame-West Haven, UT Rio Grande Valley
Romar Reid, Woodstock Academy - Manhattan
Preston Santos, Woodstock Academy - UMass
Joel Soriano, St. Thomas More - Fordham
Russel Tchiewa, Putnam Science Academy - Texas Tech
Tyler Thomas, Williston Northampton - Sacred Heart
Anthony Walker, Brewster Academy - Miami
Tyson Walker, New Hampton - Northeastern
Levar Williams, Jeremiah Burke - NJIT
Trey Williams, Woodstock Academy - Indiana State
Justin Winston, Putnam Science Academy - St. Bonaventure
There are also a handful of local prep products committed to Ivy League schools, but since the Ivy League doesn't issue athletic scholarships, they do not sign NLI's. Those prospects are:
Jordan Jones, Phillips Exeter Academy - Cornell
Chris Ledlum, Northfield Mount Hermon - Harvard
Maxwell Lorca-Lloyd, Northfield Mount Hermon - Pennsylvania
Tommy ONeil, Vermont Academy - Harvard
Cameron Shockley-Okeke, Phillips Exeter Academy - Columbia
Idan Tretout, Wilbraham & Monson Academy - Harvard