Junior Elite 75

March 21st, 2025 at Mass Premier Courts
97 Green Street
Foxborough MA 02035


The New England Elite 75 Showcases are undeniably the premier brand of one day showcases in the region.  The Junior Elite 75, in collaboration with the Elite 75 College Showcase and the Elite 75 Frosh/Soph Edition, host all of the top players in New England, from grades 6-12, at one point during the year.


Since 2009, the Junior Elite 75 Showcase has provided the region's top middle school players with early exposure, advanced skill instruction and educational sessions.


Basketball Highlights

  • Coverage from HoopRootz, the preeminent brand in the history of New England middle school basketball, which will be relaunched to cover junior elite basketball throughout the northeast region
  • Early exposure to prep school coaches throughout the region who will not only be on hand to evaluate but also actively coaching at the event
  • The opportunity to purchase an NERR-TV package - a professionally developed highlight tape that will be featured on their NERR Junior Elite Prospect profile


Academic Highlights

  • A secondary school fair will be on site providing players and their families with the chance to learn about many of the prestigious academic institutions in the northeast
  • Admission representative Q & A session from NEPSAC and other private schools
  • Direct exposure to coaches at various high-academic insitutions, and an opportunity to learn more about their admissions process